Person-Centered Planning
Person-Centered Planing is a process where we interview you to identify what it is you want and how you want to go about getting it.
New Year’s Resolutions: A Time For Making Plans
Now is the time to put some thought into making a plan to get out of debt, or thinking about how we’ll respond to an emergency.
Putting the Jolly Back into the Holidays!
This holiday make things different. Stop and enjoy the sights, smells, tastes and sounds of the season.
Stay Cyber-Safe During the Holidays
Stay Cyber-Safe this holiday season. Here is a list you can do to prevent a cyber attack, what to do when being attacked and what to do after.
Coping With Holiday Stress
Holidays can become overwhelming very quickly if you’re also trying to cope with a disability on a daily basis.
Home Modification & Assistive Technology Assessments
A home and an assistive technology assessment can help identify problem areas and offer suggestions for modifications and assistive devices that may keep you living at home for years to come.
Keep Your Holidays Safe!
Have a safe holiday season with some of the tips from FEMA.
The 2022 Pact Act
The Pact Act expands health benefits provided by the VA to veterans. Find out how to apply.
As the population ages and people living longer, resulting in more falls. Falls are leading cause of injury and death for older Americans.
Hidden Disabilities
Estimates range from 65% to 90% of people with disabilities have what are called “hidden” disabilities – those that aren’t obvious.
Learning To Live On Your Own
DNL is offering Independent Living Skills Trainings that help young people learn the ins and outs of independent living.
The Philosophy of Independent Living
The philosophy of independent living means that even with a disability we want to be able to make choices about the things we believe are important.